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Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Pakailah Cincin

cincin akik
Sunat muakkad untuk para lelaki dan wanita kaum muslim memakai cincin di tangan kanan. Para Syiah akan dikenali menerusi simbol-simbol ini, antaranya, memakai cincin di tangan kanan, solat fardhu tepat pada waktunya, memberi zakat serta amal makruf nahi mungkar.

The Secret of Muhammad Rings

As you surely know, our most beloved Prophet Mohammed (many peace and blessings be upon him), was illitrate. So he had a ring made. This ring he used to stamp letters to foreign leaders. The Prophet (saaw), had the ring cast in silver but being so filled with love and reverence for Allah almighty, did not want to place his name over the name of Allah. Contrary to the normal way of reading from top to bottom, he had written upwards, “Muhammed Rasul Allah”.

Rahasia Cincin Nabi Muhammad saw